Sea Breeze Art 2000 Circle of the wind |
 Sea Breeze Art 2001 HO·TA·RU |
 Sea Breeze Art 2002 Free theatre by Wind |
 Mainichi TV station's campaign "Environment of the Earth" |
 A Requiem Vacant Earth exhibition |
 Sguardi incrociati "intersection of the vision" |
 Opening ceremonial flag for factory in U.S.A. |
 Kirara Organic Life |
 EXPO2005 Love-Earth Exhibition #1 |
 EXPO2005 Love-Earth Exhibition #2 |
 EXPO2005 Love-Earth Exhibition #3 |
 EXPO2005 Love-Earth Exhibition #4 |
 Only a flower bloom on the ground on the Earth |
 Travelogue of Brisbane |
 Patagonia Flag Project |